WORKSHOP One Day Q&A with Michel Garcia
One Day Q&A with Michel Garcia
Michel Garcia
October 11 (Thu) 10am–4pm
Maiwa East, 1310 Odlum Drive, Vancouver, Canada
Michel Garcia’s workshops and lectures generate many questions—both for seasoned dyers and for the non-specialist. And so this year, by popular demand, we have introduced a special one-day question and answer workshop.
Michel Garcia arrives from France to explore a wide range of topics all related to natural dye botany and chemistry. Looking for more information on the role of tannins and mordants? Wondering why intense and brightly coloured things like beet-juice and flower petals can’t be used as dyes? Curious about the role that dye molecules play in the life of the plant? Or do you need more information on a topic that Michel has touched on in a previous workshop? This is the time and place to get answers from one of the sharpest minds working with natural colourants today.
Prerequisite: Students must have attended one of Michel Garcia’s workhops.
Michel Garcia is a French national born in Morocco. He was nineteen when he first discovered natural dyes. Since then he has followed his love of both plants and pigments. In 1998 he formed the association Couleur Garance (Madder Colour). The association hoped to connect young ecologically sensitive artisans with the substantial expertise of an older generation of dyers. Under his direction, Couleur Garance produced over twenty monographs on natural dyes and dye plants.
In 2002 Michel founded the Botanical Garden of Dye Plants at the Château de Lauris. In 2003 an international forum and market for natural dyes was added. A year later a resource centre was established.
In 2006 Michel handed over leadership of Couleur Garance so that he could further pursue his interest in colour and dye techniques. He has published three titles on natural dyes showing the range of shades available and how to obtain them.
Michel teaches and advises internationally on natural colours and dyes.
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