WORKSHOP The Art of Embroidery
The Art of Embroidery
Bonnie Adie
September 18-20 (Tue-Thu) 10am–4pm
Maiwa Loft, Granville Island, Vancouver, Canada
This very popular workshop has been expanded to three full days.
Are you a textile enthusiast wanting to add stitch for embellishment? If so, this is the workshop you won’t want to miss. The stitches you’ll learn are those known across Europe, the Americas, and Asia. They have passed between families and persisted for generations.
This fast-paced workshop will introduce a long list of traditional embroidery stitches. As the class progresses, emphasis will shift to variations and combinations of these stitches with experimentation leading to a means of personal expression. For those interested in shisha mirrors, we will study the art of attaching mirrors to fabric with thread.
Threads will be available in a variety of weights and textures. A variety of background materials will also be available to try. The class will make small samples that can be placed in a book along with documentation for future reference. Students will leave the workshop with the confidence to add embellishment to their work and to create textures and patterns allowing for self-expression in thread.
Bonnie Adie is inspired by the dialogue between traditional and contemporary embroidery techniques. She is also captivated by the potential dynamics of thread textures and backgrounds. Bonnie has completed the City and Guilds of London Creative Embroidery and Design course presented by Julia Caprara and the Opus School of Textiles as well as several courses with national and international tutors.
Her work has been exhibited in various galleries in British Columbia, England, and the United States. She is involved with the North Shore Needle Arts Guild and the Vancouver Guild of Fibre Arts and assisted in forming Arrowsmith Needle Arts. Bonnie was also a member and treasurer of fibreEssence.
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