Workshops are temporarily offline
Please call 604 669 3939 for availability.
Registration for the 2015 Maiwa Textile Symposium opens this Monday.
We have set up a brand new website for registration.
Now is a good time to check out the new site and set up your account. Questions? Read our FAQ below.
Registration FAQ
(Frequently Asked Questions)
(Frequently Asked Questions)
When does registration start?
10 am. Monday June 22, 2015
10 am. Monday June 22, 2015
Is there a rush?
There is a rush for many of our workshops. We bring instructors from around the world and class size is limited. There is no rush for lectures and events.
There is a rush for many of our workshops. We bring instructors from around the world and class size is limited. There is no rush for lectures and events.
I'm away/working/busy on registration day. Can I register ahead of time?
No. Please read about all your registration options below and select the one that works best for you. We have a large number of enthusiastic registrants and we have tried our best to be fair to all.
No. Please read about all your registration options below and select the one that works best for you. We have a large number of enthusiastic registrants and we have tried our best to be fair to all.
Where should I go to register in person?
Maiwa Supply on Granville Island.
Maiwa Supply on Granville Island.

When should I arrive to register in person?
Your call. People have arrived as early as seven or eight, coffee and muffins in hand. We are next to the Granville Island Market so food and coffee are nearby. It is generally nice weather and many sit and knit in the lineup.
Your call. People have arrived as early as seven or eight, coffee and muffins in hand. We are next to the Granville Island Market so food and coffee are nearby. It is generally nice weather and many sit and knit in the lineup.
Can I register for my friend?
You can register for yourself and up to two friends. Payment is due at time of registration. There is a fee for cancellations so make certain you understand our cancellation policy.
You can register for yourself and up to two friends. Payment is due at time of registration. There is a fee for cancellations so make certain you understand our cancellation policy.
Can I register by phone?
Your phone line is always busy - what should I do?
Redial. Redial. Redial.
Redial. Redial. Redial.
Can I register by fax?
NOT ON THE FIRST DAY. After the first day you may fax your registration form and credit card info. You may wish to check course availability by phone first.
NOT ON THE FIRST DAY. After the first day you may fax your registration form and credit card info. You may wish to check course availability by phone first.
Can I register by mail?
Yes. BUT we don't open mail registrations until 11:00 am. on the first morning. Don't forget to send your credit info, or cheques payable to Maiwa Handprints ltd.
Yes. BUT we don't open mail registrations until 11:00 am. on the first morning. Don't forget to send your credit info, or cheques payable to Maiwa Handprints ltd.
Can I register by e-mail?
No. Please use our on-line site instead. E-mail is not a secure way to send credit card information and messages are occasionally blocked by spam filters.
No. Please use our on-line site instead. E-mail is not a secure way to send credit card information and messages are occasionally blocked by spam filters.
Can I register on-line?
I'm trying to register on-line but I get a "No Spaces Available" message.
If you get the "No Spaces Available" notice, then the course may be already sold out on-line. This can happen very quickly on the first morning. At this point you can call and see if there are still spaces left for phone registration. Please ask to go on the waiting list.
If you get the "No Spaces Available" notice, then the course may be already sold out on-line. This can happen very quickly on the first morning. At this point you can call and see if there are still spaces left for phone registration. Please ask to go on the waiting list.
How do I know my on-line registration worked?
You will have a confirmation screen giving a summary of your purchase. Please print this out and keep it. You will also receive an e-mail message confirming your order. Double check when entering your email in the form.
You will have a confirmation screen giving a summary of your purchase. Please print this out and keep it. You will also receive an e-mail message confirming your order. Double check when entering your email in the form.
My credit card was declined! It's never been declined!
We, sadly, have no control over credit cards or banks. We have no mechanism to accept or change a declined card.
We, sadly, have no control over credit cards or banks. We have no mechanism to accept or change a declined card.
Something mysterious happened and I can't be certain my on-line registration worked. What should I do?
E-mail us right away at maiwa@maiwa.com give us as much information as you can. Especially which workshops you were trying to register for. If you suspect you are having e-mail difficulty please call us 604 669 3939 (The phones are usually past the mad rush by 12 noon).
E-mail us right away at maiwa@maiwa.com give us as much information as you can. Especially which workshops you were trying to register for. If you suspect you are having e-mail difficulty please call us 604 669 3939 (The phones are usually past the mad rush by 12 noon).
I sent an e-mail but I got a reply from "Spam Arrest". What's up with that?
Spam Arrest is our spam filter. If this is your first time trying to contact us via e-mail you will recieve an e-mail reply from spam arrest asking to verify that you are not a spambot trying to fill our in-box with ads for cheap viagra. You'll have to type in a code that appears on the page. Don't worry it is all legit. If you'd prefer not to, there is still no cause for alarm. We check the spam filter persistently on opening day and authorize messages from registrants whom the spam filter has stopped.
Spam Arrest is our spam filter. If this is your first time trying to contact us via e-mail you will recieve an e-mail reply from spam arrest asking to verify that you are not a spambot trying to fill our in-box with ads for cheap viagra. You'll have to type in a code that appears on the page. Don't worry it is all legit. If you'd prefer not to, there is still no cause for alarm. We check the spam filter persistently on opening day and authorize messages from registrants whom the spam filter has stopped.
I tried everything but my favourite workshop is full. What can I do?
Our staff know the workshops inside and out. We would be happy to suggest an alternative. We also keep a waiting list and if you get placed on it early there is still a chance that you will get in. People's plans change and spaces do open up.
Our staff know the workshops inside and out. We would be happy to suggest an alternative. We also keep a waiting list and if you get placed on it early there is still a chance that you will get in. People's plans change and spaces do open up.