WORKSHOP Filming the World
Filming the World
Mary Lance
October 11 (Thu) MORNING 10am–1pm or
October 11 (Thu) AFTERNOON 2am-5pm
Maiwa Loft, Granville Island, Vancouver, Canada
In this workshop, American filmmaker Mary Lance will show excerpts from three of her documentaries, Blue Alchemy: Stories of Indigo, Agnes Martin: With My Back to the World, and Diego Rivera: I Paint What I See. With location photographs and some outtake footage, she will explore three main ideas:
1) How a documentary project begins: Knowing the difference between a subject that interests you and one that you will spend years exploring.
2) How the project moves from inspiration to production: Development, research, finding people and locations, shooting.
3) How the story develops and comes to life in editing.
Images from her work in Mexico, Japan, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, El Salvador, and other countries will be used throughout.
As a Symposium Event Blue Alchemy will be shown at the Ridge Theatre.
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