Sheila Paine - the MAIWA BLOG

Sheila Paine

by - Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sheila Paine, who presented her talk on October 20th. Handed us a letter the other day. She has kindly granted us permission to reprint it here.

October 22, 2009
Dear Charllotte

I was very moved by Ashoke Chatterjee's talk last night, both by what he told us of the plight of Indian craftsmen and by the whole story of the power of politicians in preventing him coming to Canada.

I was also last night that I realized what a great achievement Maiwa is. You have a lot to be proud of and I feel really priviledged to have been invited to take part in your symposium - it is very much more than just the textile gathering I had presumed it to be.

I send my congratulations on all your work and my best wishes for the future of Maiwa. I am greatly enjoying the symposium and thank you for all your kind hospitality.

Shelia Paine

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  1. I agree with Sheila Paine that Maiwa and the Maiwa symposium make an immense contribution on many levels, personal and global.
    Thanks again, Charlotte and your team, for following your bliss.

    Rubina Rajan


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