Jawaja Weaving & A Thank You to Jane Stafford

The deshi wools of the desert regions of Rajasthan make for durable and long-lasting carpets. The wool is naturally black, cream or white, creating a harmonious palette that works anywhere. To this palette the weavers of Jawaja add accented colour that give their work a contemporary feeling. The Jawaja weavers work on extra-wide handlooms to create these stunning flatweaves. They feature simple, bold designs and are fine examples of the weaver's art.
The Artisan's Alliance of Jawaja (AAJ) is a rural cooperative located in Rajasthan, India. AAJ members are leatherworkers and carpet weavers.
Above — Jane Stafford in India working with the weavers of Jawaja.
It is hard to think about the weavers of Jawaja without also thinking about Jane Stafford. In 2014, while visiting the weavers with Maiwa, Jane brought a table loom to the group. There was a flurry of instruction, questions, answers, diagrams, and lots of talk about weaving architecture and design. Jane donated the loom — and since then, whenever the group attended a craft fair they used it to explain and show how they work.
Covid has meant restrictions on travel and the end of craft shows. This has hit the Artisans Alliance of Jawaja particularly hard. Jane Stafford and her amazing cadre of weavers set to work fundraising to help. Jane was once again helping fellow weavers on the other side of the world. We salute Jane, her inspiring work, and all the weavers who have helped.
In Jawaja, weaving is an art that involves the entire family. From bobbin winding to loom dressing, both men and women dedicate themselves to learning the tasks needed in the production of these robust carpets.
In contrast to many other types of carpet, Jawaja flatweaves are designed for everyday use. Starting with a cotton warp, local wools are intertwined into a tight weft-face. They are often constructed in bold, simple, geometric patterns that bring a measure of colour and light to the rooms that they adorn.
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