NEW BOOK RELEASE - A Master Dyer's Secrets — Paul Gout's 157 Colours By Dominique Cardon & Iris Brémaud
Just Released
A Very Rare Book
Imagine if a master dyer, working in France three-hundred years ago, at the height of his powers wrote down his recipes to document what he knew. Clear, precise instructions with measurements and the results on cloth. Strong natural colours developed long before the invention of synthetic dyes.
Now imagine that this manuscript was studied by natural dye historian and researcher Dominique Cardon and her colleague Iris Brémaud. The recipes were organized, translated and annotated with sources and descriptions of the dyestuffs and the processes. Imagine they were presented to spark your imagination and creativity.
You would have "Paul Gout's 157 Colours"
The book is 151 pages. It is full colour throughout and includes an image of the colour swatch from the original manuscript for each recipe. In addition the colour characteristics are specified in CIELAB colour space.
The book also contains some of the personal history of Paul Gout and his relationship to the works of the day and his position as manager of a Royal Manufacture of fine wool broadcloth. As a production dyer, Paul Gout navigates the world of colour fastness, cost concerns, competition, regulation and entrepreneurship. It makes for colourful and fascinating reading.
Regular $89.95
"Gout gives us amazing lessons. In economics: zero waste. In ecology: effluents from his dye house are practically nothing but water. And finally in management. His notes, in the last pages of the fourth Memoir, allow us to follow how he plans ..."
From the introduction,
"Paul Gout: social rise of a textile, colour design and manegement virtuoso."

Dominique Cardon showing Maiwa founder Charllotte Kwon colour manuscripts in the Archives de l'Herault in Montpellier, France.
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