New Free Lesson from Maiwa's Online Textile School — Registration Opens December 5th at 9am Pacific Time.
DECEMBER 5th 2022
In the weeks running up to our December 5th registration opening, Maiwa is announcing NEW free video lessons. This is just one more aspect of our encouragement of natural dyes and traditional crafts.
This week's lesson is:
Dyers all over the world have different water. We give you a few of our best tips on how to work with the water you have - no matter what its character might be. This video also includes troubleshooting tips for key issues which are often blamed on water, but are due to something else.

Learn to successfully mordant cellulose and protein fibres.
Work with cloth and yarns to achieve vibrant, clear colours using classic natural dyes.
45 evocative instructional videos with written instructions and downloadable PDF's.
Work with 11 natural dyes including indigo.
Build dyepots from 18 recipes, shift colours with iron and overdye with indigo.
Complete the course with close to 100 different colours...and a whole new appreciation for the magic of natural dyes.
Online Workshop begins January 2, 2023
This online workshop is designed to be done anywhere in the world in your home or studio. It features a robust Q&A section with instructors answering student questions and one final live zoom event.

See what people are saying about
The Natural Dye Workshop online:
I’m teary-eyed right now. Can’t believe we’ve come to the end of this fabulous course. Oh wow, what a journey. You guys are wonderful. The course is wonderful. Not enough words to thank you and praise you for this experience. Please keep producing more on-line courses......please, please, please!
— Susan
This has been an amazing course. The format for the lessons is perfect. I am totally zoomed out at this point and it is wonderful to get a lesson, fuss around on my own and see the outcome.
The modules are so incredibly well put together and to have the ability to go back and watch a module and ask a question is invaluable. Even without answering questions - being able to go back and review the module is fantastic and so helpful.
— Erica
This has been the best class ever!!! I have loved doing it at home using my own water so that I am able to get consistent results all the time (hopefully). I am constantly looking at my hand dyed colours and thinking of what I will create next. I have learned sooo much from you both. You have incredible talent and knowledge that I am grateful to be on the receiving end of. Keep offering more online classes. Love the format!
— Shirley
Thank you so much Charllotte and Sophena for this truly wonderful course! It has left me with a full force of inspiration :) The amount of detail, and care, and compassion you both have for your craft and for sharing your knowledge is beautiful to have been a part of. I will be re-watching and taking notes for many weeks to come.
— Ewa
I am so sort of overwhelmed that this is ending... for now. I think back to my many grandmother’s who were textile people - sheep farmers, a tenter in a cotton mill, many many quilters and tatters and and crochet pillowcase trim makers...and wonder that of course they could never have imagined their future granddaughter would have the huge LUXURY of being able to keep her sanity during a time of quarantine by being able to intensely study natural dying for 10 weeks with the finest teachers on the topic. I have truly loved every minute of this - my “take outs” at the end would all be my grumpy ness at having to address the “activities of daily living” - like interrupting my dying to actually produce a meal or almost not being able to walk at the end of the day because I have been standing on the hard floor stirring the pots for many hours that day...every bit worth it!!
— Patricia
I feel a bit emotional about the end of the course, it has been such a great journey and pure joy learning from you. The passion, love and kindness that you clearly show through your wonderful videos always make me smile and encourages me to keep going, experimenting, learning...I hope Sophena and the baby are doing well. I wish them and you all the happiness in the world.
— Margarida
This course has been such a fantastic and heart warming experience. I have wanted to do a course with Maiwa for years (but I'm in the UK) and have enjoyed this course so much! Your knowledge and passion for what you do shines out and it's so inspiring to have had this chance to learn from you and Sophena. The tutorials have been clear and so enjoyable to watch and learn from. The Q & A has been really valuable and I have appreciated to have your advice and just be able to ask questions. This has given me the confidence to go forward.
— Michele
— Create a Teachable account in advance by enrolling in one of our free lessons or signing up to watch one of our free documentaries.
—Have your Teachable login details ready on registration day. Be sure to enter a valid email address as this is how we will be communicating.
—Supply & Equipment List can be found on workshop sales pages.Workshop pages are listed here at
Watch the Maiwa School of Textiles Trailer and Teaser below
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