October 2015 - the MAIWA BLOG

Charllotte Kwon Returns to Jawaja

Charllotte Kwon - Return to Jawaja Charllotte Kwon delivered the 2015 Threads lecture to a sold out house on Thursday night. The subject this year was the Jawaja Cooperative and their successful resistance to an attempt to force them off their land. Charllotte told the story with the...

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Chad Alice Hagen Takes Through a Bookmaker's Story

Chad Alice Hagen talks felting, cats, books, and life. On Wednesday October 28th Chad Alice Hagen gave a spirited and ...

EARTH & WEAR - Meet the Makers November 3rd

The Gallery of BC Ceramics has partnered with Devil May Wear and Maiwa Handprints to bring you  EARTH & WEAR A ...

Wendy Garrity Weaves through Bhutan

On Monday October 26th Wendy Garrity took the audience on a weaver's journey through Bhutan. Few places could be as ...

Lonnie Holley - Secular Gospel at St. James Hall

(R-L) Steve Nistor, Lonnie Holley and Kelly Pratt at St. James Hall, Vancouver. On Friday October 23rd the Maiwa ...

Jenny Balfour Paul's new book - Deeper than Indigo

Jenny Balfour Paul, who many will know as the author of the book Indigo and one of the key interviews in Maiwa's ...

Art, Quilting, and Life in the Deep South with the Gee's Bend Quilters

L-R. Matt Arnett, Rita Mae Pettway and her daughter Louisiana Bendolph. The October 19th presentation was the third ...

Sue Benner walks the Working Path

Sue Benner - The Working Path On October 11th Sue Benner presented her lecture - The Working Path. The lecture ...

Maiwa at the SDA conference in Tennessee

Charllotte Kwon with a Rabari Shawl from the Maiwa Collection at Arrowmont Reporting from Arrowmont in Gatlinburg ...

Barbara Todd - One Day Tells Its Tale To Another

On October 5, 2015, Barbara Todd delivered her lecture, "Stone Drawings and Quilted Lines" or "One Day Tells Its Tale ...

The Fabric of India Opens Today

If you are lucky enough to be in London, England, right now, and  had the foresight to book tickets early, you might ...

Aya Matsunaga Lights a Spark at the Maiwa Symposium

On October 1 Aya Matsunaga delivered her lecture to an intimate and receptive audience. Aya talked about her ...

Susan Shie Presents The Art of Story Painting

On the last day of September, Susan Shie presented her lecture: The Art of Story Painting. Susan explained how her ...