Workshop: Artful Knit: A Sculptural Approach
2010 Maiwa Textile Workshops
Adrienne Sloane
$395 (Includes $60 Lab Fee) Four full days
September 16 - 19 (Thu - Sun) 10 am - 4 pm
Maiwa Loft – Granville Island, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Class Limit 15
Registration Opens June 21, 2010Explore contemporary knitting and expand your vision of what a little knitting can do. This class in 3D knitting will help participants develop a personal language of forms. Use knitting fundamentals to create shapes while taking advantage of knit’s natural tendencies. By manipulating stitches and experimenting with unconventional materials, participants will problem-solve using a variety of vessels and forms and learn to “think knit.”
This is a process-oriented workshop, with time devoted to making samples and experimenting as you learn each technique or concept. Your new knitting vocabulary can be applied to sculptural or wearable creations. Adrienne is an award-winning artist whose work has been widely exhibited. She joins us from Boston:
Adrienne SloaneAdrienne Sloane, a Boston-based artist, has exhibited nationally for over 20 years. Her work has been published in Fiberarts Magazine, American Craft, the Surface Design Journal, the Crafts Report, and Fiberarts Design Book Six. With a degree in anthropology, she has married her passion for textiles with one for travel by consulting on knitting projects in Peru and Bolivia. Knitting both by hand and by machine, she is mindful of the historical context of her medium.
Participants must be proficient in basic knitting techniques.
Look for the full course calendar on the web in early May. A print version will be available in June. Registration opens June 21, 2010.
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