June 2024 - the MAIWA BLOG

New Jewellery! – The Subtle Language of Adornment — Timeless Pieces

The Subtle Language of AdornmentThe feeling we get when we encounter a beautiful textile is often similar to the feeling we get when we see a piece of jewellery. A sense of wonder, a little intake of breath, and the feeling that the piece is subtle. It is...

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Summer Textiles at Maiwa — Beauty Everywhere

BEAUTY EVERYWHERECome and see how we celebrate the beauty and comfort of contemporary craft.Handmade textile artistry ...

The Incredible Art of Bandhani — Shaped Resist — Textured Cloth

ABOUT BANDHANIThe design on these Bandhani shawls is the result of thousands of tiny knots tied on the cloth before it ...

Slow Mornings — Silk . Linen . Cotton — Find Your Perfect Robe

 ENROBEDMade for a life lived inside or outside – feel the flow, style, and grace of your favourite robe. A perfect ...