March 2021 - the MAIWA BLOG

Young Weavers Return to Tradition – Bengal Shawls

 NATURAL DYES in BENGALOver the past few decades of working in Bengal we've witnessed a remarkable change. It used to be that the skilled yarn dyers in the rural areas north of Kolkata would do natural dyes for our orders, but not so much for themselves. The previous...

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How We Make a Garment – Revisiting Maiwa's Quilted Coat

 It all starts with a trip to visit the threads. These trips happen years before the cloth hits our cutting table. We ...

New Printing Blocks - Place a Pattern with Brass and Wood

Made by the same block makers who supply traditional artisans in India, we now have two types of blocks: wooden blocks ...

Some Loves Last a Lifetime – Maiwa Linen

NEW CLOTHINGSome loves last a lifetime – for us it is linen.We have made our reputation by naturally dyeing linen and ...