July 2012 - the MAIWA BLOG

10% off all items in the Maiwa online store

August 1 - 31, 2012 enter the word "august" as a promotional code at checkout  and receive 10% off the cost of goods before taxes. Does not apply to shipping. This special does not extend to symposium workshops, lectures or events. ...

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July Arrivals at Maiwa East

MAIWA EAST presents MANIFESTATIONS New Statuary and Bronze Vessels A resting Buddha with a face of serene ...

Colours of the High Country

Kristy Johnston at Grampians Station, New Zealand. In the fall of 2011 we were contacted by Kristy Johnston, who had ...

Live at the Vancouver Folk Fest

Maiwa sets up it's booth on opening night. Fingers crossed, pray for sun. Maiwa is in the Artisan Market all weekend ...

Maiwa teaches at the Penland School of Crafts

Maiwa founder Charllotte Kwon took an expanded version of her natural dye class to the Penland School of Crafts this ...

Symposium - Opening Day

It may have been the only day in the past week when it didn't rain - and for that we were very grateful. This is what ...