October 2011 - the MAIWA BLOG

Wrap Party Auction Exceeds Expectations

Charllotte the auctioneer.  Above, the highlight of the auction occured when Charllotte started the bidding on a handwoven, naturally dyed shawl from Shamji. This piece was a twin of the one in the Masterworks exhibition and, to judge by the fast-paced bidding, more than one person was willing to...

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A State of Wrapture

It was a transcendent evening indeed. Wrapture: Unstitched and Enfolded was our slow clothes fashion show. Here are ...

What's Up For Auction?

GET TICKETS Here is the list of lots that go on the block Saturday October 29th. But the evening is not only about ...

Quilters of Gees Bend return to Maiwa

Last night (October 20) was the first of two lectures delivered by the quilters of Gee's Bend. Present were  (l-r) ...

Textiles at an Exhibition

These are the works that were on display as part of the Masterworks Exhibit and the information identifying the ...