August 2011 - the MAIWA BLOG

Masters of Tie and Dye - no project too large

Sophena Kwon and Aaron Nazrul pose in front of the Boom Boom Bus and the new backdrop. No, these are not natural dyes. These are Procion MX dyes, and they are exactly what you need for a quick and colourful - intensely colourful - backdrop for a six-piece Latin-soul-funk-rock-reggae...

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What Drives Collaboration?

One team from APSC 263 (L-R) Joon Hyuk (Martin) Jung, Umair Rana, Moses Chan, and Sungjin Kim. This is a follow-up ...

August Arrivals at Maiwa East

It's rare that we do two posts on Maiwa East in a row, but there is so much arriving right now that we wanted to share ...