August 2010 - the MAIWA BLOG

Man with a Mauve Dress

Previously we gave a little overview of some of the factors influencing rising cochineal prices. Like all crops, cochineal prices depend on supply and demand, with a number of complicated forces at work: Large buyers trying to keep the price low, farmers wanting a better return, unexpected demand...

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Weaving Resist, Woven Shibori

Catherine Ellis: Silk CurrentsSilkWoven shibori resist, scoured, permanent pleat This box arrived the other day at the ...

Textile Importer Defends Artisan's Rights

From the Maiwa Archive. This story was originally published in the Vancouver Sun ten years ago on May 1, 2000. We are ...

August Arrivals at Maiwa East

We've broken the seal on a new shipping container and unloaded some very beautiful items.We receive containers on a ...

Summer Things to do Outside: Indigo and Woad

Looking for a creative summer project? If you've never experienced the magic of dyeing with indigo, summer is a ...

Workshop Openings - The Hotlist

We have a few openings in all the following workshops. Click on the title for full details or online registration ...

The Economics of a Colour

Above, yarns being dyed with cochineal in Teotitlan del Valle, MexicoOne of the advantages of being involved in the ...